

The MyModelbank contains a sample invoice file (xml/json) in the “invin” folder that are ready to be imported.

The sender of the messages is the “buyer” in case of Approved Payables Finance and “supplier” in case of Receivable Finance.

  • “Shimpex Ltd”, as a buyer for Approved Payable Finance
  • “Export Corporation” as a supplier for Receivable Finance.

Various transactions can be processed once the messages have been imported.

Filename Contains Comments
request_smpl_apf.xml buyer sends the approved invoices requesting issuing of a finance to the supplier . Target transaction: IATOPN/IATPOP as defined in the DBxPSB settings per buyer supplier pair. The incoming message is processed and SPT is created and can be viewed from SPTSEL transaction. Processing this “Automatic” SPT will create a new contract.
request_smpl_rcf.xml supplier sends the invoices requesting upfront financing to the supplier. Target transaction: RITOPN. The incoming message is processed and SPT is created and can be viewed from SPTSEL transaction. Processing this “Automatic” SPT will create a new contract.
en/dem/040msg/0040invmsg.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/16 12:16 by dm