
Contracts and Transactions DOKA-NG

The contracts in the below sections and the values depicted in the contracts are for illustrative purposes, to demonstrate the features and capabilities of the application to support the respective payments and message formats.

Payments through correspondent banking with Swift MT messages

The following contracts have been prepared for clean payments in entity 'KOELN'.

The current status of the contract as well as possible subsequent or follow-up transactions have been listed. Follow-up transactions enable the relevant functionality to be tried and tested without having to run previous transactions anew.

Reference Number Description Processed Transactions Follow-up Transactions
Contract Clean Payment CP19K00001 Outgoing Payment Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible
Contract Clean Payment CP19K00002 Incoming Payment Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible
Contract Clean Payment CP19K00003 Transit Payment Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible

Payments through clearing system Target2 - until 19. March 2023

The following contracts for clean payments via the clearing system 'Target2' have been prepared in the entitiy 'HAMBURG'.

The current status of the contract as well as possible subsequent or follow-up transactions have been listed. Follow-up transactions enable the relevant functionality to be tried and tested without having to run previous transactions anew.

Reference Number Description Processed Transactions Follow-up Transactions
Contract Clean Payment CP22H00001 Outgoing Customer RTGS Payment. (until Mar. 2023)
Own payment in favor of a non-bank, holding account with another bank.
Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible
Contract Clean Payment CP22H00002 Outgoing Interbank RTGS Payment. (until Mar. 2023)
Own payment in favor of another bank, holding account with another bank.
Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) ​ Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible


Payments through clearing system T2 RTGS - as of 20. March 2023

The following contracts for clean payments via the clearing system 'T2 RTGS' have been prepared in the entitiy 'HAMBURG'.

The current status of the contract as well as possible subsequent or follow-up transactions have been listed. Follow-up transactions enable the relevant functionality to be tried and tested without having to run previous transactions anew.

Reference Number Description Processed Transactions Follow-up Transactions
Contract Clean Payment CP23H00001 Outgoing Interbank T2 RTGS Payment (as of 20 Mar. 2023).
Own payment in favor of an indirect T2 RTGS participant bank, holding their account with a direct T2 RTGS participant bank.
Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible
Contract Clean Payment CP23H00002 Outgoing Customer T2 RTGS Payment (as of 20 Mar. 2023).
Own payment in favor of a non-bank, holding their account with a indirect T2 RTGS participant bank.
Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible

Payments through correspondent banking with Swift MX messages (CBPR+)

The following contracts have been prepared for clean payments in entity 'HAMBURG'. Payments are created as Swift MX payments. These payments are possible after 20. March 2023.

The current status of the contract as well as possible subsequent or follow-up transactions have been listed. Follow-up transactions enable the relevant functionality to be tried and tested without having to run previous transactions anew.

Reference Number Description Processed Transactions Follow-up Transactions
Contract Clean Payment CP23H00003 Outgoing customer payment with Swift MX (CBPR) (as of 20. Mar. 2023 alternatively to MT messages)

Own payment in favor of a non-bank, holding their account with our nostro correspondent.
Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible
Contract Clean Payment CP23H00004 Outgoing customer payment with Swift MX (CBPR) (as of 20. Mar. 2023 alternatively to MT messages)

Own payment in favor of a non-bank, through a nostro correspondent (cover payment) plus the direct advice to beneficiaries bank.
Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible
Contract Clean Payment CP23H00005 Outgoing customer payment with Swift MX (CBPR) (as of 20. Mar. 2023 alternatively to MT messages)

Own payment in favor of a bank, holding their account with our nostro correspondent.
Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible
Contract Clean Payment CP23H00006 Outgoing customer payment with Swift MX (CBPR) (as of 20. Mar. 2023 alternatively to MT messages)

Own payment in favor of a bank, holding their account with our nostro correspondent.
Settling a Clean Payment (CPTSET) Contract has been directly closed, Re-Opening (CPTROP) of contract possible
en/dem/130cpt/0010tscptcon.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/15 09:33 by bp