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Contracts and Transactions DOKA-NG

The contracts in the table below have been prepared for the Loan business sector in entity 'HAMBURG'. The current status of the contract as well as possible subsequent or follow-up transactions have been listed. Follow-up transactions enable the relevant functionality to be tried and tested without having to run previous transactions anew.

Reference Number Description Processed Transactions Follow-up Transactions
Contract Loan TR19H00012-001 Import L/C, payable at sight (LI19H00012). When the presented documents are taken up, a Trust Receipt Loan is issued towards the applicant for 90 days after taking up of the document set.
Opening an Import L/C (LITOPN) Repaying a Loan (TRTSET) at maturity
Receiving documents (LITDCK)
Send, Accept and Settle Documents (BRTPAY) with direct financing of the applicant.
Contract Loan TR19H00023-001 Issuance of a Packing Credits towards the beneficiary for 90 % of the Export L/C amount (LE19H00023) Advising / Confirming (LETOPN) an Export L/C Receiving Documents (LETDRV), Repaying a Loan (TRTSET) at maturity
Creating a Loan (TRTOPN)
Contract Loan TR22H00002 Loan issued to a customer goes Past due without payment being received. Later, the past due contract, moves to the next stage where it is marked as a Non Performing Asset.
Creating a Loan (TRTOPN) Write Off Loan (TRTCAN), since the loan is not recovered, after waiting a configured number of days, the contract could be Written off/Closed.
Past Due Loan (TRTLAT)
Non Performing Loan (TRTTEN)
Contract Loan TR22H00003 Loan is issued to a customer. Customer makes a partial payment in between, but however, the balance goes Past due.
Creating a Loan (TRTOPN) Non Performing Asset (TRTTEN),
Write Off Loan (TRTCAN)
Past Due Loan (TRTLAT)
Contract Loan TR22H00004 Loan issued to a customer goes Past due without payment being received. However, the customer requests for an amendment to extend the maturity to a future date for fulfilling the payment.
Creating a Loan (TRTOPN) Repaying the Loan (TRTSET) at maturity,
Past Due Loan (TRTLAT) if payment is not made,
Non Performing Asset (TRTTEN),
Write Off Loan (TRTCAN)
Past Due Loan (TRTLAT)
Amending (TRTAME)
Contract Loan TR22H00005 Loan issued to a customer goes Past due without payment being received. Customer is able to make a partial payment. However, the balance due is still in Past due.
Creating a Loan (TRTOPN) Non Performing Asset (TRTTEN),
Write Off Loan (TRTCAN)
Past Due Loan (TRTLAT)
Partial Repayment (TRTSET)
Contract Loan TR22H00001-001 Import L/C, payable at sight (LI22H00001). When the presented documents are taken up, a Trust Receipt Loan is issued towards the applicant after taking up of the document set.
Opening an Import L/C (LITOPN) Past Due Loan (TRTLAT) after maturity
Receiving documents (LITDCK)
Send, Accept and Settle Documents (BRTPAY) with direct financing of the applicant.
en/dem/210trt/0020tstrtcon.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/24 14:15 by mk