
Contracts and Transactions DOKA-NG

The following contracts have been prepared for checks in entity 'KOELN'. The current status of the contract as well as possible subsequent or follow-up transactions have been listed. Follow-up transactions enable the relevant functionality to be tried and tested without having to run previous transactions anew.

Reference Number Description Processed Transactions Follow-up Transactions
Contract Check Handling CH19K00001 Presentation of USD-Orderchecks Handling Check Presentation (CHTOPN) Generate Remittance (CHTSET), see CH19K00005
Contract Check Handling CH19K00002 Presentation of one USD-Ordercheck Handling Check Presentation (CHTOPN) Generate Remittance (CHTSET), see CH19K00005
Contract Check Handling CH19K00003 Presentation of USD-Traveller Checks Handling Check Presentation (CHTOPN) Generate Remittance (CHTSET)
Contract Check Handling CH19K00004 Presentation of Debit Notes Handling Check Presentation (CHTOPN) Generate Remittance (CHTSET), see CH19K00006, Handling Returns (CHTRET)
Contract Check Handling CH19K00005 Sending of Checks (Remittance) of the USD-Orderchecks Generate Remittance (CHTSET)
(Menu Select/Remitting Checks and panel “Send Checks”)

Contract Check Handling CH19K00006 Sending of Checks (Remittance) Generate Remittance (CHTSET) Handling Returns (CHTRET) for CH19K00004-1
en/dem/220cht/0020tschtcon.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/24 14:16 by mk