
Contracts and Transactions DOKA-NG

The following contracts have been prepared for Receivable Finance in entity 'HAMBURG'. The current status of the contract as well as possible subsequent or follow-up transactions have been listed. Follow-up transactions enable the relevant functionality to be tried and tested without having to run previous transactions anew.

Reference Number Description Processed Transactions Follow-up Transactions
Contract Receivable Finance / Receivable Invoice Set RI22H00001 Manually create the contract by adding six invoices through transaction “Add Invoice Set” (RITOPN).The invoices are stored in the FBD pool and ready to be picked up for financing. The invoices can also be imported automatically through SWITSK, information on sample message can be found under “Invoices Add Receivable Invoice Set (RITOPN) Receivable Finance Offer(RFTPOP)
Contract Receivable Finance RF22H00001 Manually select two invoices which were added in the pool via RITOPN for the same pairing and create Receivable Finance Offer with Maximum Finance Percentage as 90%. Receivable Finance Offer (RFTPOP) Opening a Receivable Finance (RFTOPN)
Contract Receivable Finance RF22H00002 Manually select three invoices which were added in the pool via RITOPN for the same pairing and create Receivable Finance with Early Settlement Discount as 10% and Maximum Finance Percentage as 90%. Receivable Finance Offer (RFTPOP) Receivable Repayment (RRTSET) for the remaining amount of the contract.
Opening a Receivable Finance (RFTOPN)
(Partial) Receivable Repayment (RRTSET)
Contract Receivable Finance / Receivable Repayment RR22H00001 Repay the invoices for contract RF22H00002 with the amount received by the buyer. Receivable Repayment (RRTSET)
Contract Receivable Finance / Receivable Invoice Set RI22H00002 Manually create the contract by adding five invoices through transaction “Add Invoice Set” (RITOPN) for a different pairing. The invoices are stored in the FBD pool and ready to be picked up for financing. Add Receivable Invoice Set (RITOPN) Receivable Finance Offer(RFTPOP)
Contract Receivable Finance RF22H00003 Manually select all invoices which were added in the pool via RITOPN (RI22H00002) for the same pairing and create Receivable Finance with Maximum Finance Percentage as 95%. Receivable Finance Offer (RFTPOP) Closing (RFTCAN)
Opening a Receivable Finance (RFTOPN)
Receivable Repayment (RRTSET)
Contract Receivable Finance / Receivable Repayment RR22H00002 Repay three invoices for contract RF22H00003 and remaining amount as “Payment on Account” document with the amount received by the buyer. Receivable Repayment (RRTSET)
Contract Receivable Finance RF22H00004 Create the contract by adding three invoices manually in transaction “Receivable Finance Offer” (RFTPOP) for the same pairing as RF22H00003 . The offered invoices are stored in the FBD pool and process the finance transaction. Amend the due date of one of the invoices to extend the maturity date of the contract. Receivable Finance Offer (RFTPOP) Receivable Repayment (RRTSET) for the remaining amount of the contract.
Opening a Receivable Finance (RFTOPN)
Amendment (RFTAME)
(Partial) Receivable Repayment (RRTSET)
Contract Receivable Finance / Receivable Repayment RR22H00003 Repay the remaining invoices for contract RF22H00003 and partial repayment of contract RF22H00004 using the amount received by the buyer and “Payment on Account” document. Receivable Repayment (RRTSET)
en/dem/260rft/0020tsrftcon.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/15 14:56 by bp