

The rebooking transactions support the definition of a rebooking process. To activate this option, select the “Rebooking” checkbox on the main panel. After activation, the system will provide another panel naned “Rebooking”. The Credit and Debit Parties may be selected there.

To do so, either select the Contract Parties or use free text entry. It is also possible to define the references and decide if the system is to create messages to advise the Parties of the rebooking.

The rebooking amount itself is to be entered as Settlement Amount on the “Settlement” panel.

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages.

Nombre del mensaje Receptor ID Mensaje SWIFT TCO Bolero Comentario
Información Cambio Reserva Participante de Crédito MBUUMH1 Este mensaje se creará si se marca la casilla de verificación «Crear mensaje»
Información Cambio Reserva Participante de Débito MBUUMS1 Este mensaje se creará si se marca la casilla de verificación «Crear mensaje»

es/app/020cor/050mod/0170intmbu.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/28 10:45 (external edit)