
Índice Tablas Base Datos

Nombre del marco Descripción
ACK ACK - Acknowledge Entries
ACR ACR - Accruing Control Records
ACS ACS - Accruing Sum Records per Account
ACT ACT - Account
ADR ADR - Address
ANA ANA - allNETT/RIVO Contract Record
ANB ANB - allNETT/RIVO Transaction Record
APF APF - Application Form
ATC ATC - Application Transaction Configuration
ATP ATP - Application Transaction Profile
ATX ATX - Advanced Textmodule System
BCD BCD - Import Collection Data
BCT BCT - Import Collection Text
BED BED - Document Set under Export L/C Data
BET BET - Document Set under Export L/C Text
BOD BOD - Export Collection Data
BOT BOT - Export Collection Text
BPD BPD - Advance Data
BPT BPT - Advance Text
BRD BRD - Document Set under Import L/C Data
BRT BRT - Document Set under Import L/C Text
BTD BTD - Document Set under Transfer L/C - Data
BTT BTT - Document Set under Transfer L/C - Text
CBB CBB - CBS Balance per Column and Date Range
CCA CCA - Common Contract Archive
CCI CCI - Common Contract Information
CCR CCR - Parties and Foreign References for Archived Contracts (CCA)
CHD CHD - Check Handling Contract Data
CHK Cheques - CHK
CHT CHT - Check Handling texts
CMT CMT - Comment for Transaction Field
COU COU - TradeDesign Counter Table
CPD CPD - Clean Payment Data
CPT CPT - Clean Payment Text
CRI CRI - Check Routing
CRO CRO - Check Routing
CTG CTG - Category
CTI CTI - Category Infotext
CTY CTY - Country
CUR CUR - Currency
DIA DIA - Diary
DTC DTC - Application Transaction Configuration
EAB EAB - Export Finance Account Bookings
EAC EAC - Export Finance Account Balance
EAP EAP - Export Finance Account Pointer
ECC ECC - Export Finance Consolidation Credit
ECD ECD - Export Finance Data
ECT ECT - Export Finance Text
EFD EFD- Export Finance Dossier Data
EFT EFT - Export Finance Dossier Text
EMP EMP - Datos de Cumplimiento
EMV EMV - Nave (para Cumplimiento)
ERK ERK - Frame Agreement
ETA ETA - Entity Address
ETAUIL ETAUIL - Translatable Fields of Entity Address
ETG ETG - Entity Group
ETP ETP - Additional Transaction Profile (Entity Group)
ETY ETY - Entity
EVT EVT - Event Log
FAC FAC - Facility Information
FAE FAE - Facility Element
FBD FBD - Finance Base Document
FBL FBL - Finance Base Document Link
FBR FBR - Finance Base Document Row
FCL FCL - Limit Facilities
FCP FCP - Foreign Charges Pool
FEC FEC - Fee Condition and Calculation Rule
FEP FEP - Fee Pool
GCD GCD - Guarantee Claim Data
GCT GCT - Guarantee Claim Text
GID GID - Guarantee Data
GIT GIT - Guarantee Text
GLC GLC - GLE Output
GLE GLE - General Ledger Entry
GLP GLP - Pool of GL Entries
GLS Single Booking for Output
GTX GTX - Guarantee Text
HLP HLP - Online Help Text
IAD IAD - Approved Payable Data
IAR IAR - Approved Payables Funding Request
IAT IAT - Approved Payable Text
IBP IBP - IBAN Plus Directory
INI INI - Pseudo table for INI-files locking
IRS IRS - Interest Rates per Date Range
IRT IRT - Interest Rate Definition
JOB JOB - Batchjobs
KFPCCI KFP - Key Figure Pool Additional Contract Data
KFPTIE KFP - Transaction Interest Earnings
KFPTRN KFP - Transaction Data
LED LED - Export L/C Data
LET LET - Export L/C Text
LID LID - Import L/C Data
LIT LIT - Import L/C Text
LSA LSA - Limit System Amount
LSB LSB - Limit System Balance
LSC LSC - Limit System Sum per Currency
LSE LSE - Limits System Earmarking
LSL LSL - Limit System Request Balance Link
LSM LSM - Limit System Modifications
LSR LSR - Limit System Requestor
LSS LSS - Limit System Signature
LTD LTD - Transfer L/C Data
LTT LTT - Transfer L/C Text
MCD MCD - Manual Contract Data
MCT MCT - Manual Contract Text
MLE MLE - Mail Instruction Element
MLI MLI - Mail Instruction
NTF NTF - Notify Entries
OIT OIT - Object Infotext
ORD ORD - Order
ORE ORE - Event for ORD
ORR ORR - Order Schedule
PAD PAD - Participation Data
PAT PAT - Participation Text
PDU PDU - Past Due Settings
PFP PFP - Finance Program
PRA PRA - Engagement Account
PRD PRD - Product Codes
PRT PRT - Printer Specification
PSB PSB - Pairing Supplier Buyer
PTA PTA - Party Address Association
PTC PTC - Contact Person per Party / Address
PTD PTD - Party Liability Details
PTE PTE - Liability Sub Contract
PTF PTF - Funded Syndication (add. tabelle of PTE)
PTM PTM - Authentication Info of Communication Channel
PTS PTS - Party per Contract
PTY PTY - Party
PUD PUD - Payment Undertaking Data
PUT PUT - Payment Undertaking Text
QUE QUE - Interactive Queue
RCD RCD - Reimbursement Claim Data
RCT RCT - Reimbursement Claim Text
REB REB - Reference For Business Sector
REF REF - Configuration of Reference Number
REG REG - Region
RFD RFD - Receivable Finance
RFT RFT - Receivable Finance Text
RID RID - Receivable Invoice Set Data
RIT RIT - Receivable Invoice Set Text
RMD RMD - Reimbursement Data
RMT RMT - Reimbursement Text
ROI ROI - Additional Routinginformations for incoming messages
RRD RRD - Receivable Repayment Data
RRT RRT - Receivable Repayment Text
RZA RZA - Payout Plan
RZC RZC - Repayment Plan Claim
RZD RZD - Repayment Plan Header
RZL RZL - Repayment Plan Link
RZP RZP - Repayment Plan
RZS RZS - Repayment Plan Interest Course
RZZ RZZ - Repayment Plan Maturities
SCD SCD - Syndication Master Data
SCT SCT - Syndication Master Text
SDD SDD - Syndication Deal Data
SDT SDT - Syndication Deal Text
SEP SEP - Settlement Pool
SGD SGD - Shipping Guarantee Contract Data
SGT SGT - Shipping Guarantee texts
SIG SIG - Single Signature
SIH SIH - Settings of Signature
SLA SLA - Service Level Agreement
SLE SLE - Service Level Entrys
SLF SLF - Changed fields info to SLG
SLG SLG - System Modification Log
SLT SLT - Changed objects info to SLG
SMA SMA - Attachment for SMC
SMC Webservice requests
SMH SMH - Structured Message Header
SMX SMX - SMH Extension
SPC SPC - System Printer Configuration for Print Queues (SPQ)
SPQ SPQ - Print Queue Entry
SPR SPR - System Pending Release
SPT SPT - System Pending Transaction
SRO SRO - Service Order Dependencies
SSN SSN - Session
STB STB - System Codetable Contents
STH STH - System Codetable Header
SVE SVE - Selection Value Entry
SVS SVS - Selection Value Set Definition
SWH SWH - Header of SWIFT Field Mapping
SWM SWM - SWIFT Field Mapping
SYA SYA - System Status Record
SYB SYB - Service Status Record
SYH SYH - System Profile Header
SYI SYI - Table for Volume Report
SYK SYK - Node Load Statistic
SYM SYM - Manager Instance
SYN SYN - Server Node
SYP SYP - System Profile Content
SYSUSR SYSUSR - TDRights data of user
TAD TAD - T2 RTGS directory
TRD TRD - Loan Data
TRN TRN - Transaction Record
TRO TRO - Transaction Dependencies
TRS TRS - Signatures for Transaction
TRT TRT - Loan Text
TST TST - Test Table for SYSPER
TXM TXM - Text Module
UAB UAB - User Absence
UBR UBR - User Business Rights
USF USF - User Filter
USFUSG USFUSG - Set of User Groups for Filter
USFUSR USFUSR - Set of Users for Filter
USG USG - User Group
USR USR - User Profile
USRREL USRREL - List of Releaser
WFD WFD - Workflow Statistic Entries
WFE WFE - Workflow Entry
WFS WFS - Workflow Subject
XAC ACR - Accruing Control Records
XLH XLH - Header for Excel Mapping
XLM XLM - Mapping of One Excel Field
XMR XMR - Document Rules
XMX XMX - XML Template
XRT XRT - Exchange Rate
es/app/090zzz/010dbf/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/28 13:40 (external edit)