
IRTMIC - Método de Cálculo de Interés

Código Texto
360 Floating rate, Year = 360
365 Floating Rate, Year = 365
B60 Base points, Year = 360
B65 Base Points Year = 365
BP3 Base points per quarter parts
BPQ Base points per quarter
BPY Bps p.a. or parts thereof
D65 Simple Discount to Yield, Year = 365
DA0 Discount to Yield, Compounded Ann., Year=360
DA5 Discount to Yield, Compounded Ann., Year=365
DFL Discount Rate flat, Year = 360
DY0 Simple Discount to Yield, Year = 360
DY5 Simple Discount to Yield, Year = 365
F60 Fixed rate, Year = 360
F65 Fixed rate, Year = 365
PRM Permille
es/app/090zzz/020ct/0840ct_irtmic.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/27 18:09 (external edit)