
TXMTXT - Text Module

Código Texto
ADDPHR Additional Phrases
ADDSTR Additional Phrases
ADDTXT Add. Letter Text
ADLCND Additional Condition
AMEBLK GA Amendments
AMETXT Amendment II
ATXTXT Agreement Text
BASGOD Description of Goods
BCGANS Answer Text MT422
BCGQUE Query Text MT422
BCTFRE Free Text Imp. Coll.
BCTINS Instr. for 2nd Mail
BOGANS Answer MT422
BOGQUE Queries MT422
BOTFRE Free Text Exp. Coll.
BPTFRE Free Text Advance
BRTFRE Free Text Imp.LC Docs
BTTFRE Free Text Transf.LC Docs
CANCOL Cancellation Coll.
CANLET Cancellation L/C
CANRMT Cancellation Narrative
CHARGI Details of Charges Guarantee
CHARIA Details of Charges
CHGPUD Charges Payment Undertaking
CHGTXT Charges Text
CHTFRE Free Text Checks
COBINS Coll. Bank Instr.
COLINS Collection Instr.
COMCON Comment exp. docs lc
COVGOD Detalles de la transacción subyacente
CPTFRE Free Text Clean Payment
DECREA Decl. of Readiness
DETTXT Conditions or Comments
DFTINS Draft Instructions
DISDOC Disposal
DOCDIS Discrepancies
DOCGRD Documents
DOCINS Document instr.
DOCPRE Docs Presented II
DOCPRS Docs Presented EI
DTEM06 M06 in DTE message
DTEM07 M07 in DTE message
DTEM08 M08 in DTE message
EFCINT Introduction Text
EFGUAR Text to Guarantor
EFIMP Text for Importer
EFINTR Introduction to Importer
EFTPAT Particpant Text
EFTTAX Withholding Tax
FEEUP Up-Front Fee
FNDDET Funding Details
FPTDET Forfaiting Details
FPTFRE Free Text Forf.Pur.
FSTFRE Free Text Forf.Sale
GCTFRE Free Text Guar.Claim
GIDTXC Sec Texto Garantía
GIDTXT Guarantee text
GITFRE Free Text Guar.
IBCFRE Free Text
IBCREJ Reason f. Rejection
ILCCAN Narrative
ILCFRE Free Text L/C
INSBNK Instructions Bk.
INSINM Instrucciones del 3er Banco
INSTRF Instrucciones del Banco Transferidor
INTDIS Internal discrepancy
INTINS Interest Instr.
LCDGOD Description of Goods
LCRDOC Documents L/C
LCRGOD Good Description
LCTDOC Documents Required
LETFRE Free Text Exp. LC
LITFRE Free Text Imp.LC
LTTFRE Free Text Transf.LC
MCTFRE Free Text Man.Contr.
NONBUY Check Refusal
OTHINS Other Instructions
PATDET Participat. Details
PATFRE Free Text Participation
PAYINF Payment Information
PAYINS Pymnt instruct's BE
PREPER Presentation Period
PROINS Protest Instructions
PRSDOC Presented Docs. L/C
RCTFRE Free Text Reimb.Claim
REDCLS Reduction Clauses
RESREC Reason for Rejection
RESREJ Reasons f. Rejection
REVCS Revers Texte CS
REVLEC Revolving Clause
REVLIC Revolving Clause
REVTXT Revers Texte
RMTFRE Free Text Reimb.
SDTSYN Syndication Message
SETINS Settlement Instr.
SHPTRM Inco Terms
SPCBEN Spec. Pay. Cond. f. Ben.
SPCRCB Spec. Pay. Cond. f. Rec. Bank
STRINF Sender to Rec. Info
SWTCOD Swift Codes
TAG45D ETIQUETA 45D para MT 759 en xxTFRE
TAG77D TAG 77D - MT456
TEXTLO Text Assignment
TRNDET Transaction Documentation
TRTFRE Free Text Trust Rec.
USATXT Instr. Usance Docs
WHINS Warehouse Instr.
es/app/090zzz/020ct/1510ct_txmtxt.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/25 14:54 (external edit)